Our Mission

We all make mistakes, let’s learn from them and become Wizer.

Our Mission

We want to see a society that is free of discrimination and marginalisation. We believe those who have overcome adversity and challenges should be afforded that same levels of opportunities as everyone else.

We want to aspire the youths of today to realise their true potential and become inspirational leaders within their own communities. This is why we are working with local partners and businesses to do something about it. We all make mistakes, lets learn from them and become Wizer


Adults and young persons involved in or at risk of exploitation

Wizer CIC works directly with those at risk of or on pathway to serious organised crime through the use of lived experience. All of our specialist workers have been involved in gangs and the criminal justice system and as such are able to speak with credibility when breaking down the myths of the criminal lifestyle.

Work We Do

Wizer CIC has specialist staff embedded within schools and in particular alternative provisions which are seen by organised crime groups as easy picking for exploiting young people into the criminality and county lines. This work entails working closely with the young person offering intensive mentoring to divert them away from a criminal lifestyle

Wizer CIC also offer awareness sessions to classes around the risks of exploitation, how it happens, how to keep safe and who to talk to. The sessions aims to deglamourize  the criminal lifestyles associated with gangs as well as informing about the realities of weapons, joint enterprise and county lines.

Schools – early intervention, 1:1, awareness sessions, motivational sessions

Wizer cic has specialist workers embedded within alternative provisions offering intensive support to those at risk of exclusion and criminal and sexual exploitation. This work is done through 1:1 sessions, general awareness sessions to form groups as well targeted work to those identified by safeguarding leads as well as partner agencies

HOOPS – group sessions, opt out

HOOPS is a project that is funded by the National Probation Service and Public Health via the Police and Crime Commissioner. Referrals are made by statutory agencies to Wizer CIC of those recently released from prison and or subject to community based orders. In partnership with National Employer Training, a fully funded 3 week course is run that offers vocational qualifications such as CSCS, Health and Safety Passport, forklift licence as well as bespoke qualifications that will increase the likelihood of employment post course. Specialist Navigators offer mentoring as well as assisting with creation of CV’s, applying for jobs, preparing for interviews and in work support to help with the transition from a criminal lifestyle into a workplace which is often a source of tension.


The navigator also works closely with local drug services, housing providers, Mental Health and employers

TV advisory work – bbc casualty

Wizer has been doing advisory work with television producers around stories pertaining to gangs and exploitation. This work ensures the dangers of exploitation is highlighted at a national level, thus increasing awareness of it. Further to this, Wizer has been advising producers, directors and casting staff to ensure the story lines are as authentic as possible.

Professional training

Wizer CIC offers bespoke training to professionals involved with working at risk persons, those with criminal records, as well as employers seeking to employ ex-offenders, we assist with the creation of HR systems and processes that serve to minimise the marginalisation of ex-offenders from the workplace as well as offering intensive support to those transitioning into the workplace